Thursday, September 18, 2008

Salsa, Dance, Life and eternity

So i finally got organised enough to get to my first salsa class here in NZ. I've had to take beginners class again as i was doing Cuban salsa and they only offer linear salsa here. So after a long day at work and despite not feeling like it I hopped on a bus hoping desperately it was the right one and after riding it to the end of the line cause i missed the stop i eventually got there (on time too!!). I had an absolute blast.

On the way back i got to thinking about why i enjoy my dance classes so much, whilst the rush after any exercise is a thrill (when i finally get myself to do ANY exercise) dancing has always held me captive. i think it's got a lot to do with how i view life to be honest.

Leadership and submission - the instructor pleaded with the girls to let the guys lead, and to TRY to follow (he said it's the only hour in the week that the guys get to lead LOL) not to fight the person leading cause then the scene is just jarring and clashes. Immediately made me think of how often I fight against God as he tries to lead me through this dance of life, how he can hear the music and the beat that I'm meant to be dancing to where as i can't (not a far stretch as i can barely make out the beat/count in dance class anyways) how God tries to get me to dance to this beat that he can make out and how often I fight it, the result being a jarring mess totally out of tune to the music and horrific to everyone involved and everyone watching. Thought on the way home how life is a dance class, a preparation for the final dance between the bride and bridegroom at the wedding feast of the lamb. The dance won't be a choreographed dance, practiced infinitely to perfection rather it will be a spontaneous expression of joy and love, led by the bridegroom and will only work and be an expression of beauty if the bride has learnt to respond to his lead.

The instructor also told the males HOW to lead, gently but firmly with enough pressure to let the girl know which way to go yet not so firm that she feels like she's amazing analogy as well about Christ, his gentle firmness, how He guides so softly "still small voice" "stand at the door and knock" just enough to let me know where to go, but never so harsh as to force me to follow.....even if when i don't it results in disaster. The instructor stressed the fact that the leader needed to protect the girl so she doesn't feel like she's going to smash into the wall or another couple on the floor. Again.......God's guidance and protection as I dance my way through life trying to follow the lead of He who knows the tune, how the dance even though he is leading is for my joy, the freedom, safety and excitement in submission to He who defined servant/leadership, who knows that He leads me to joy, knows how to lead gently.

And as always the class showed me how UN prepared i am to allow anyone (unfortunately that sometimes includes God) lead! Unless practicing a specific routine which i knew, i was CONSTANTLY going against the guys lead, ending in YES a jarring mess. ironically nothing irritated me more then the guys that either were too harsh or to soft in their leadership, with the former i was tempted to just leave and the latter to tell him to pull it together! *sigh* I'll get there eventually..............but in the mean time I'm again aware of my need to practice my submission to my Beloved.

For those that are going to comment about how this may/may not apply to marriage, yes the thought briefly crossed my mind about following the lead of someone in tune with the true musician's beat.............but with how much trouble I'm having submitting to the only perfect person, the one i can be certain knows what's best, i don't like my chances of submitting my will to a flawed human just yet.

anyways, i had a BLAST at dance class and can't wait for the next one, i might even join them for the social get together they have on Thurs and Fri when I'm on my own.