Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who Am I

Figure i should start my first blog by introducing myself.
Who am I?? well I've yet to figure that out in its entirety but I'll fill you in on a few characteristics which you may/may not find contradictory
I'm female
I'm 26yo
I'm Egyptian (by birth)
I'm Coptic (i.e native Egyptian, the ACTUAL Egyptians, predominately christian who were the natives of Egypt before the Islamic invasion)
I'm Australian (by citizenship) and due to the fact that I've lived there since i was 6I'm Currently living in New Zealand (for the next 18months)
I'm a Christian (Orthodox) - Coptic orthodox if you want to be technical about it
I'm a Doctor- and Emergency medicine trainee (I generally love my job and still have dreams to help in medical mission in a 3rd world setting)
My family consists of Myself and my brother who are in NZ, my mother in Australia. My father passed away last year in Oct.
My hobbies are fairly diverse (but being a little impatient i haven't stuck with much to be any good at it) they include -
reading -fantasy! - Robin Hobb, David Eddings, Raymond E Fiest. etc
Religion - C.S. Lewis, Anthony Conairis, Elisabeth elliot, The early Church Fathers, etc.
Cross stitching
All of Joss Whedon's creations (Buffy, Angel, Firefly & serenity, Dr Horrible) -and soon Dollhouse
Dancing - Did Salsa for a while which i loved but then stopped (would love to resume, maybe try some new style)

I guess that's all about my surface details. Not a way to REALLY know a person despite how many people think it is.

just for the record my name is Sarah (it was the name given to me by my mothers confession father before i was born).
i said on a friends Blog that I'd explain why i loved the name April - so here goes
my birthday is in April (April fools actually)
I grew up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and i always wanted to be like April - she was soo cool!
April_fool has always been my ID for just about everything and a lot of positive reinforcement via online chats came to me through the name April (power of positive reinforcement huh?)
anyways that's my bit for today.